Various Pages of Stats Generated by Members
- Daily Contributions
- The Sometimes Weekly Stats (I don't always generate the stats the same way.)
- Many of the following were on which has been discontinued.
- stats-191026 score 1, score 2 & score 3
- stats-190921
- stats-190904-languages
- stats-190831
- stats-190720
- stats-190622
- stats-190622-languages-with-native-speakers
- stats-190615
- stats-190428
- stats-190420
- stats-190413
- The following may not correctly show flags, because changed the images from .png to .svg around this time. However, the language code is shown as text, so you can still understand the tables.
- stats-190330
- stats-190323-tags
- stats-190323-suspended
- stats-190323-additional-native-speakers
- stats-190302-links
- stats-190302-comments
- stats-180929
- stats-180910-907.php?t=rus (change the 3-letter code to your language)
- stats-180825
- stats-180825-non-native-contributors
- stats-180825-constructed
- stats-180630-six-months
- stats-180623-languages-and-percent-native
- stats-180526
- stats-180519
- stats-180512
- stats-180421merged
- stats-180421
- stats-180416-trustworthy-pairs
- stats-180331
- stats-180324
- Stats - 2018-03-10 - Native Speaker Sentence Counts - Includes "since last check"
- Stats - 2018-03-03 - Constructed and Dead Language Contributors - Languages that aren't anybody's primary language.
- 2018-03-03 - All Contributors & Their Languages - This doesn't have sentence counts, just links to their sentences.
- Stats - 2018-02-24 - Native Speaker Sentence Counts - Includes "since last check"
- Stats - 2018-02-17 - Native Speaker Sentence Counts - Includes audio stats, too.
- Stats - 2017-12-23 - Native Speaker Sentence Counts
- Stats - 2017-12-16 - Native Speaker Sentence Counts
- Stats - 2017-12-02 - Native Speaker Sentence Counts
- Stats - 2017-11-11 - The Number of Alternative Translations of English Sentences by Identified Native Speakers
- Stats - 2017-10-28 - The Number of English Sentences on List 907 That Have Translations by Native Speakers
- Stats - 2017-10-21 - Number of Native-language Sentences and % Native - The 116 languages with native speaker contributors.
- Stats - 2017-10-21 - Native Speaker Sentence Counts - Also includes contributions since 1 year ago.
- Stats - 2017-10-21 - The Number of Native Speaker Sentences Linked to English Sentences on List 907
- Stats - 2017-10-14 - Native Speaker Sentence Counts - Also includes last contribution date.
- Stats - 2017-09-30 - Native Speaker Sentence Counts
- Stats - 2017-06-30 - Native Speaker Sentence Counts - There is also a column showing counts for just the first 6 months of 2017.
- Stats - 2017-05-20 - Native Speaker Sentence Counts - This includes the percentage of contributions by each native speaker that are in his/her own language.
- Stats - 2017-04-22 - Native Speaker Sentence Counts
- Stats - 2017-03-11 - Native Speaker Sentence Counts
- Stats - 2017-02-18 - Native Speaker Sentence Counts - This includes status and date joined, too.
- Stats - 2017-02-18 - Nonnative Speaker Sentence Counts * This includes "orphan" sentences, too.
- Stats - 2017-02-18 - Nonnative Speaker English Sentence Counts - Also see the percentage of these members' sentences on List 907.
- stats-170210-native-speaker-lists-compared.html = Stats - 2017-02-04 / 2017-02-10 - Native Speakers TRANG's List compared to CK's List
- stats-170204-sharptootheds-active2.html = What percentage of the top 100 active members' sentences are in their native language, and what percentages are linked to sentences by native speakers.
- stats-170204-last12months.html = Stats - 2017-01-28 - The Number of Contributions in the Last 12 Months Sorted by Language
- stats-170204.html = Stats - 2017-01-28 - Native Language Sentence Contributions
- stats-170128.html = All 9,942 Contributors - Native Languages - Joined - Status
- stats-170114-comments.html = Sentences with the most comments
- stats-170114.html = Those contributing the first 2 weeks of 2017.
- stats-161231.html = Stats - 2016-12-31 - Native Language Sentence Counts - Just the 2016 counts, too.
- stats-161215.html = Stats - 2016-12-17 - Good English Sentences Translated by Native Speakers
- stats-161210.html = Stats - 2016-12-10 - Native Language Sentence Counts
- stats-161203.html = Stats - 2016-12-03 - Native Language Sentence Counts
- stats-161126b.html = Stats - 2016-11-26 - The Number of English Sentences Translated Into Other Languages, Limited to Languages that Have Identified Native Speakers
- stats-161126.html = Stats - 2016-11-26 - Native Language Sentence Counts
- stats-161119b.html = Stats - 2016-11-19 - Native Language Sentence Counts
- stats-161119.html = Stats - 2016-11-19 - Native Language Sentence Counts
- stats-161112.html = Stats - 2016-11-12 - Native Language Sentence Counts
- stats-161105.html = Stats - 2016-11-05 - Native Language Sentence Counts
- stats-161105.htm = Stats - 2016-11-05 - Good English Sentences Translated by Native Speakers
- 2016-11-05 = The number of sentences rated OK by the members who have been rating sentences
- stats-161029b.html = Stats - 2016-10-29 - Native Language Sentence Counts by Year
- stats-161022.html = Stats - 2016-10-22 - Native Language Sentence Counts
- stats-161015.html = Stats - Stats - 2016-10-15 - Native Language Sentence Counts
- stats-161015b.html = Who Has Contributed in 2016 and When Was Their Last Contribution
- stats-161001.html = Stats - 2016-10-01 - Native Language Sentence Counts (w/ Status)
- stats-160910.html = Stats - 2016-09-10 - Sentences by Native Speakers Without Any Translations
- stats-160903-ok-ratings.htm = Sentences with more than one OK rating.
- members.htm = 2016-09-03 - Members Who Have Contributed Sentences (w/ Avatars)
- stats-160903.htm = Stats - 2016-09-03 - Native Speaker Contributions in August of 2016
- stats-160827.htm = Stats - 2016-08-27 - Good English Sentences Translated by Native Speakers
- 2016-07-23 = Members with Sentences in Their Native Languages Linked to Proofread English
- 2016-07-16 = Percentage of English Sentences with Audio Translated into Other Languages by Native Speakers
- 2016-07-09 = Native Speaker Contributions for the Last 5 Weeks
- 2016-07-09 = Native Speakers - This page includes sentences counts.
- 2016-07-13 = Rating System Stats (July 13, 2016)
- 2016-05-07 = Languages Sorted by the Percentage of Sentences Owned by Native Speakers (May 7, 2016)
- 2016-05-07 = Languages Sorted by the Number of Sentences Owned by Native Speakers (May 7, 2016)
- 2016-02-13 = Sentences Counts - Sorted by Username - Then by Language
(Usernames with Declared Native Languages)
- 2016-01-03 - See which languages added, edited or adopted the most sentences in 2015
- 2015-12-26 - The number of sentences owned by identified native speakers in each language
This table is based on the modification dates of sentences in the exported data.
I've also included the counts for each year since the project began.
Various Pages of Stats on